Post by SUBMARiNE" on Jan 17, 2011 22:58:48 GMT -5
To register an Account of INHALE”, we ask that you set your “DISPLAY NAME” to your OOC name. Please resist using one of your Character’s names, or a name you wish to not be called by. Rather simple. You may use capitals, but please avoid tHiNgS LiKe tHiS. Other characters, such as @, “, ‘, are accepted if you keep them to a minimal. If you do not follow this, your Display name will be altered by a Mod. Also keep in mind that names are to be respectful. Nothing crude or offensive.
But we do ask that you make sure all your characters are active, unless, of course, they have been placed on Hiatus. I know we all have muse droughts once in awhile! Only have as many characters as you know you can handle.
We see this rule on all sites, because perhaps it is the MOST IMPORTANT RULE. Us mods Dread them, and members dread meeting them. What are they? MARY SUES. Miss and Mister perfects in other words. We know you have all these marvelous characters with beautiful face claims, but this does not mean that the character is flawless! Let’s have some originality; it makes the Roleplay world go around. When it comes to face claim, we try not to be picky, but I’m afraid as soon as someone rolls out the Disney actors and actresses, we have to come down with a fist. They’re “great” and all, but really? There are plenty of other nice faces out there to be sticking on your characters! Just try it! Since the setting IS set in 2011, and the heritage of most of your characters that you make “island born” do in fact come from the North and South Americas (of course not only) then clothing is VERY DIVERSE. As long as you’re sticking away from the Yo Yo Yo Homeboy saggy butt, then Submarine and the rest of them mods are happy! ;D
Well perhaps the rest of us aren’t! Its nice when everyone gets along. INHALE is a place to come and relax after those long, stressful days. Not to bring them back with you. Rest. Smile. Roleplay. That’s us! (Plus people tend to choose good natured folk for those shiny MOTM’s) Bribery? Never! Keep the cursing to a minimum at all times. It okay to an extent in posts, but when you’re talking to members say in the C-Rectangle, or in a PM, be respectful! You wouldn’t kiss your mother with a dirty sailor’s mouth, would you? (…they tend not to brush) If someone is really bothering you, ask them politely to fix their attitude or whatever it is you need to tell them. If it persists or you are given static, then feel free to hit up an Admin who will assess the situation and help you out the best they can.
Here in a little site we call INHALE”, there is indeed both a Word count and a site Level Rating. Check it out; We are not to tolerant of posts that do not exceed passed the 300 word range. Sounds like a big old number, but hey; INHALE” has a lot different aspects to consider when writing! There are tons of things you can include in your posts. Especially with the cool features we have, such as Dragons, Phoenix and even Elements. 300 words should be a piece of cake by now. Be descriptive. As far as site Level Rating goes, we expect to get players of all experience. I suppose we’d be considered an Intermediate Roleplay. But if you wish to be accepted, then we ask you have AT LEAST three or four years of experience. It keeps things here from becoming hectic as most people under this limit tend to have issues either coming up with the required amount of words, following rules, navigating through the site or simply Roleplaying in general. So please be respectful and find an easier place to situate yourself for those of you who are new to this whole “Roleplaying” shindig.
See that snazzy looking Picture at the top of the page? Yeah? Well that my friends is called “A graphic” or “Manipulation”, if you prefer. There are a lot of things to consider when coming up with, or making a header of your own. When we see pixilated things in Apps or in signatures, we don’t think to greatly of them, do we? Although we try not to be critics, we’d rather not see half-job headers that are just images with 2 dimensional titles stabbed on them in funky fonts and Neon colors that make you want to rip out your eyes. No, if you need a good image, then head over to the Image studio where I’m sure someone would be thrilled to help you out and make you something! ALSO! BEFORE FLITSY SUBMARiNE” forgets! ALWAYS put credit on your images/ graphics/ whatevers. If you have a manipulation, then give the photo takers credit for it!
Yep, they sure are, mates. They make sure you keep up-to-date with all the jazz going on around the site, and sometimes they can become pretty regular. So make sure you check in on them and read up. A lot can change with one announcement from the Mods and Admins.
We aren’t pushing for the whole Ye’ old castle thing with the Thrones. It’s more of a reference, if you will. Most of the lands can be customized and their setting can be whatever you’d like, as long as It fits into the boundaries of the site. I.E. No princess pony lands, or fiery gates of hell where you can have tea parties with the devil or anything to outrageous. As for owning the Larger, “ROYAL THRONES” your character must have either a Phoenix or a Dragon of some sort to join. Not just a wondering human/ Lycanthrope that one day decide he or she wants to be king or queen. Yeah, it gets tiring. If you have a lower land, under the Throne lands (the very first land when you click into one of the Element alliances) then the king or queen of the throne has the right to deny you the land for whatever reason. Unless it be completely invalid, that is. Once a land is claimed and approved as so, you CANNOT claim over them. Lands and thrones can be granted by either being given it by another character, claiming an empty one and being approved, or claiming one that has been inactive for TWO WEEKS.
Highlight all the rules to find the secret joining word hidden within the text in BIG LETTERS. (Yay! We're five again!)